I lived in London for over 16 years and the recent change to a life outside the big smoke has been a welcome one. I have changed jobs this year which has proved to be a great move for me and the whole family. So with a change in job comes a change in commute. Previously I had a 7-9 mile route to work depending on how I felt on the day. This has now doubled to between 16-18 miles.
The result is that the miles I am putting into the bank now should help all year round and keep the fitness at a reasonable level. Dangerous bus lanes have been replaced by leafy rolling lanes and only a couple of dodgy roundabouts, instead of every junction being a minefield. In four weeks I've dropped 2 kg, and long may that continue.
I have yet to manage a full 5 days commuting, but as I have had 4 1/2 months of not cycling much, I am slowly building up some stamina again I feel it won't be long in coming. At the moment I don't know how Winter will pan out. If it stays dry and crisp I will endeavour to make it 5 out of 5 and leave the weekends for a cheeky session on the rollers and for some quality time with the family.
You see as a Family Guy the time on the bike is all about balance and give and take. How will I ever encourage my children's love of the bicycle if the only example they see if me disappearing and not enjoying time with them on their bikes. It must be very hard for PRO riders as they know the potential to push away their loved one's from the sport must be high.
I hope that the passion I have for the bike rubs off onto my boys. I doubt they'll become as obsessed as I have (maybe not a bad thing!), but I would like them to explore the freedom that turning a pedal gives you and enjoy the rush of descending a big hill. Anyhow off for some family time now.
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